
1800년대 조선탐방 희귀자료

한부울 2008. 4. 22. 18:31


1800년대 조선(朝鮮) 탐방 희귀자료

 (Joseon, Chosŏn, Choson, Chosun)


(1) 1816년 조선 관리를 만나는 영국인을 그린 그림

20x25cm. 희귀기독교자료 1818년 영국초판 .조선서해안탐방기 ...

VOYAGE OFDISCOVERY TO THE WEST COAST OF COREA, AND THE GREAT LOO-CHOO ISLAND 에서 분리한 그림임.Original, rare, vintage, aquatint coloured bookplate print from the rare, 1818, first edition book entitled: - Account of A Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and The Great Loo-Choo Island by Captain Basil Hall Royal Navy, F.R.S. Lond. & Edin. Member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, of the Literary Society of Bombay, and of the Society of Arts and Sciences at Batavia Published January 1st 1818 by John Murray, Albemarle Street, London



(2) 희귀기독교자료 1818년 영국초판 .조선서해안탐방기


(8장의 컬러도판과 지도 있음) 책의 등쪽 수리했음.....조선편은 1쪽부터 59쪽 까지....저자소개.....Basil Hall(1788~1844) 에딘버러대학을 졸업하고 해군에 입대(1802), 초급 장교 시절에는 주로 북미주에서 근무했다. 1812년부터 볼테이지(Voltage)호의 장교로 동인도회사에 근무하며 리라호(Lyra)를 타고 중국 광동성을 방문하고 귀국 길에 알세스트호(Alceste) 선장 맥스웰(Murrey Maxwell)과 함께 조선의 서해를 탐사했다.

잠시 육지에 상륙하여 비인(庇仁) 현감 이승렬(李升烈)과 마량진(馬梁鎭) 첨사(僉使) 조대복(趙大福)을 만나 수화(手話)로써 의견을 나누었고 몇 가지의 토산품을 모아 귀국했다. 이때 조선 관리에게 성경을 처음 전달한 것으로 기록되고 있음. 1825년에는 스페인 총독 헌터(John Hunter)의 딸과 결혼했다. 1818년 이 항해를 기록한 <조선 서해안 및 류큐섬 발견 항해기>를 런던에서 출간했고 영국 해군병원 정신병동에서 1844년 사망했다. ..

With an Appendix, Containing Charts, And Various Hydrographical & Scientific Notices" by Captain Basil Hall, published by John Murray, London, 1818. First Edition. Hardcover, 4 to.4to., xvi, 222, cxxx, [lxxii]pp. This is a very rare book which covers the exploration of the west Coast of Corea and the Ryukyu Islands then known as Loo-Choo Islands. This expedition formed part of the Amherst embassy and explored the relatively little known East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Visits were made to Korea and the Ryukyu Archipelago. Korea had been sketchily explored by Europeans, but it was not until the "Alceste" and "Lyra" expeditions that detailed information was obtained about the Ryukyus. Abbey Travel 558; Cordier Sinica 3009. The book have eight aquatint hand-colored .The five maps are all present as well as two further uncoloured plates. In total there are thirteen of an original fifteen plates and maps. There are a few hundred pages of text, including a dictionary in the Loo-Choo language. The covers are loose and the leather spine is missing. The pages are all well bound together. Size: The book measures approx 11" x 9", (28 cm x 23 cm).





(3) 상세설명 청일전쟁 .

The China-Japan War(한국 문제을 우선적으로 다룬 희귀자료) 1896년 뉴욕초판.

hard cover, 8 vo. cloth, 449 pages .extremly rare source.1st edition. Complied from Japanese, Chines, and foreign sources and covering Sino-Japanese war in Korean territory and Chinese territory in 3 parts and appendices. Part 1:The History of the Corean Questions. Part 2: The Corean Campaign. Part 3:The Campaign in China Appendices... !쪽부터 149쪽 까지 한국문제를 다루고 있음.





(4) 한국의 민족과 역사를 소개한 프랑스 자료 1886년 파리초판.

Les CORREENS hardcover,91 pages. first edition. General overview of Enthography and History of Korea in the second half of 19th century. Very rare source on Korea.



(5) 1874년 발행된 高麗門 尋訪 초판. 희귀 기독교 자료.

Visit to Corean Gate by John Ross. 책의 제목은

The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal(중국기록과 선교보고) Volume V.1874입니다. 한국의 첫 선교사 John Ross는 1874년 10월 중국과 조선국 접경지대에 위치한 고려문이라는 마을을 방문한 바 있음. 이 방문 결과를 같은 해 11월에 발행된 격월간지 "중국기록과 선교보고"라는 선교잡지에 고려문 심방(Visit to Corean Gate)라는 글을 기고하였는데 이는 고려문을 방문한 기록 중에서 가장 오래된 자료라는 점에서 상당한 사료적 가치가 있다고 평가됨. hardcover, 8 vo.376 pages. First edition.

Korea section: VISIT TO COREAN GATE by Rev. John Ross. From page 347 to page 354. John Ross published First Korean version of the Bible (New Testament) in 1882. Very rare source on the Christian History of Korea.



(6) 아주 희귀한 미국선교사가 출판한 한국어교본.1911년 한국발행.

FIFTY HELPS hard cover, cloth. 100 pages. 4th edition. Rare source for the foreign beginners in the use of the Korean language



(7) 初代 駐韓美國公使부인의 記錄.1918년 미국초판.A DIPLOMAT'S HELPMATE

저자친필 서명본으로 희귀근대사자료임..

Bound in boards with cloth spine .8 vo.50 pages. Illustrated with black and white photographs . first edition. Signed by the author in 1919.Author was the wife of the first U.S. Minister and Envoy Extraordinary to KOREA ,served her country in the Far East. Rare source on the general overview of political situation of Korea shortly after the two countries opened diplomatic relationship in 1882.





(8) AZIE GESPIEGELD(아세아의 불교자료. 한국포함 1912년 네델란드 초판)

paperback, 8 vo. 476 pages. First edition. Illustrated with32 black and white photographs. Rare book on the Culture and Buddhism of Asia (Phillipine, Siam, French Indo-China ,KOREA, Machuria, Siberia)




(9) 아주 희귀한 Chronicle and Directory 1891.China/ Japan /COREA/Hong Kong etc.

hard cover, cloth, 8 vo. 720 pages. Korea section: from page 67 to page 74. Very rare and important source for the study of foreign relation(political and commercial) at the second half of 19th century in the East. .Major Govermental organizations, agencies are officials are listed in English and Chinese characters.






(10) 한국어를 소개한 1864년 발행된 프랑스 학술지

Journal Asiatique (sixieme Serie Tome 2)한국어를 39쪽에 걸쳐 소개하고 있는 희귀자료임.Korea section: DE LA LANGUE COREENNE par Leon De Rosny. from page 287 to page 325.(very rare source on the study of Korean language by the translator of the novel titled "Primtemps  Parfume 1882,

Paris" known the first Korean literature translated into western language.





(11) 西洋에서 서양어로 번역된 최초의 韓國語本.

LUI HO(流合) 1838년 네덜란드에서 독일어로 발행. 초판.LUI HO(流合) sive

VOCABULARIUM SINENSE IN KORAIANUM CONVERSE ,Opus Sinicum origine in peninsula Korai impressum in Lapide Exaratum a Sinensi KO TSCHING DSCHANG et redditum curante PH.FR.de SIEBOLD

조선시대 우리나라 漢字학습서 ‘유합’ (조선일보.2006년 4월11일자 A23면 기사) 1838년 독일어 초판본 발견 “서구에서 최초로 번역된 한국 서적” 서구에 최초로 번역 소개된 한국 서적의 19세기 초 번역본이 발견됐다.

이 책은 독일인 지볼트(Philipp Franz von Siebold·1796~1866·왼쪽 사진)가 1838년 네덜란드 라이덴(Leiden)에서 출간한 ‘유합(類合·Lui H?)’의 초판본으로, 최근 고서점

아트뱅크(koreanamuseum.com)의 윤형원(尹亨源) 대표가 해외에서 입수해 10일 공개했다.

가로 29.5㎝, 세로 37.5㎝의 크기에 42쪽 분량인 이 책은 한자 입문서 ‘유합’의 전문(全文)을 기록하고 글자 양쪽에 뜻과 발음을 나타내는 한글을 함께 적은 뒤, 그 내용을 모두 독일어로 번역했다. 예를 들어 ‘東’에 ‘동녁 동’이라는 뜻과 음을 한글로 적고 뒤에서 ‘Tong(한국 한자 발음) Ost(독일어 뜻) tong nj?k(한국어 뜻)’을 기록했다.

부록으로는 어휘집과 시조, 한시 2편 등이 실렸다.

독일 출신의 의사인 지볼트는 네덜란드 동인도회사의 파견으로 1823년부터 1830년까지 일본 나가사키(長崎)에서 근무했고, 1828년 조선의 난파 선원들을 만난 것을 계기로 우리나라에 관심을 가지기 시작했다. 그가 1852년 출간한 ‘일본(Nippon)’의 제7부에 ‘유합’을 번역한 내용이 실렸지만 그 초판이 언제 출간됐는지는 확실하지 않았다. 1989년 지볼트에 대한 논문을 썼던 고영근(高永根) 서울대 명예교수는 “1838년의 초판본은 지금까지 확인된 적이 없었다”며 “이번에 발견된 책은 서구에서 가장 먼저 번역된 한국 서적이라는 의미가 있다”고 말했다. 이보다 3년 앞선 1835년 영국 선교사 메드허스트가 한국 서적 ‘왜어유해’ 등을 번역한 ‘조선위국자휘(朝鮮偉國字彙)’를 냈지만 유럽이 아닌 인도네시아에서 출간됐다. 조선 초기에 쓰인 ‘유합’은 1500여 자(字)를 담고 있으며, 조선시대 ‘천자문’과 쌍벽을 이룬 한자 학습서였다. 손희하(孫熙河) 전남대 국문과 교수는 “‘유합’은 중국에서 나온 ‘천자문’과는 달리 우리 고유문화를 풍부하게 담고 있는 책”이라며, “지볼트의 번역본은 19세기 초의 남부 방언을 담고 있는 귀중한 자료로, 당시 서구인들이 이를 통해 한국의 언어와 문화를 접하고 학습했다는 것을 알 수 있다”고 말했다.

hardcover, 29x38cm. 38 pages in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and German.

First Korean book translated and published in western languages in Europe. Lew Hap (LUI HO)is a kind of Korean book dedicated to helping Korean Children to study the introduction and basic course of Chinese Characters from the early times in Chosen Dynasty .Extremely rare source on the linguistics of Korean Language....................

Philipp Franz von Siebold: Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold (February 17, 1796 in Wurzburg - October 18, 1866 in Munich) was a German physician. He emerged as the first European to teach Western medicine in Japan. He obtained significance for his study of Japanese flora and fauna that were endemic to the unique biotic island landscape............................

EARLY LIFE: Born in Wurzburg, Bavaria into a family of doctors and professors of medicine, von Siebold initially studied medicine at the university of his hometown from November 1815. one of his professors was Franz Xaver Heller (1775-1840), author of the Flora Wirceburgensis (flora of the Grand Duchy of Wurzburg, 1810-1811). Ignaz Dollinger (1770-1841), his professor of anatomy and physiology, however, most influenced him. Dollinger was one of the first professors to understand and treat medicine as a natural science. Von Siebold stayed at Dollinger's, where he came in regular contact with other scientists. He read the books of Alexander von Humboldt, a famous naturalist and explorer, which likely raised his desire for travels to far-away, distant lands. Philipp von Siebold became a Doctor by earning his M.D. in 1820. He initially practiced medicine in Heidingsfeld, Germany (now part of Wurzburg).

Invited to Holland by an acquaintance of the family, von Siebold applied for a position as a military doctor. This position would enable him to travel to the Dutch colonies. He entered Dutch military service on June 19, 1822. He was appointed ship's doctor on the frigate Adriana on the voyage from Rotterdam to Batavia (present-day Djakarta) in the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia). on his trip to Batavia on the frigate Adriana, he practiced his knowledge of the Dutch language and rapidly learned Malay. During the long trip, von Siebold started a collection of sea fauna. He arrived in Batavia on February 18, 1823. As an army medical officer, von Siebold posted with an artillery unit. He stayed, however, a couple of weeks at the residence of the governor-general to recover from illness. With his erudition, he impressed the governor-general baron Van der Capellen and the head of the botanical garden Buitenzorg Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt. Already, these men witnessed a second Engelbert Kaempfer and Carl Peter Thunberg (author of Flora Japonica), both former resident physicians at Deshima. The Batavian Academy of Arts and Science made von Siebold a member. In Japan.................................

Sent to Deshima Island Nagasaki in June 28, 1823, von Siebold arrived August 11, 1823 as the new resident physician and scientist to the island. During his eventful trip he barely escaped drowning during a typhoon in the East-Chinese Sea. Since only a very limited number of Dutch citizens were allowed on this island, the posts of physician and scientist had to be combined. At that time, Deshima was no longer in the possession of the Dutch East Indian Company but was kept running by the Dutch State, because of political reasons. Von Siebold invited Japanese scientists to show them the marvels of western science, learning in return through them much about the Japanese and their customs. After curing a local influential officer, von Siebold gained the ability to leave the trade post. He used this opportunity to treat Japanese patients in the greater area around the trade post. Since mixed marriages were forbidden, von Siebold "lived together" with his Japanese partner Kusomoto Taki (楠本?). In 1827 Kusomoto Taki gave birth to their daughter, Oine. Later, Oine became the first Japanese "female doctor" and midwife. She died in 1903. Von Siebold used to call his wife "Otakusa" and named a Hydrangea after her. Von Siebold began a medical school with the 50 students, appointed by the Shogun (see Rangaku). They helped the botanical and naturalistic studies of von Siebold. His school, the Narutaki-juku, grew into a meeting place for around 50 Rangakusha. Recognized by the Japanese, von Siebold served as an expert on Western science. The Dutch language became the lingua franca (common spoken language) for these academic and scholarly contacts until the Meiji Restoration. His patients paid him in kind with a whole variety of objects and artifacts that would later gain historical significance. These everyday objects later became the basis of his large ethnographic collection, which consisted of everyday household goods, woodblock prints, tools and hand-crafted objects used by the Japanese people. His main interest, however, focused on the study of Japanese fauna and flora. He collected as much material as he could. Starting a small botanical garden behind his home (there was not much room on the small island) von Siebold amassed over 1,000 native plants. In a specially built glasshouse he cultivated the Japanese plants to endure the Dutch climate. Local Japanese artists drew images of these plants, creating botanical illustrations and images of the daily life in Japan, which complemented his ethnographic collection. He hired Japanese hunters to track rare animals and collect specimens. Many specimens were collected with the help of his Japanese collaborators Ito Keisuke (1803-1901), Mizutani Sugeroku (1779-1833), Ohkochi Zonshin (1796-1882) and Katsuragawa Hoken (1797-1844), a physician to the Shogun. As well, von Siebold's assistant and later successor, Heinrich Burger (1806-1858), proved to be indispensable in carrying on von Siebold's work in Japan. Von Siebold first introduced to Europe such familiar garden-plants as the Hosta and the Hydrangea otaksa. Unknown to the Japanese, he was also able to smuggle out germinative seeds of tea plants to the botanical garden Buitenzorg in Batavia. Through this single act, he started the tea culture in Java, a Dutch colony at the time. Until then Japan had strictly guarded the trade in tea plants. Remarkably, in 1833, Java already could boast a half million tea plants. During his stay at Deshima, he sent three shipments with an unknown number of herbarium specimens to Leiden, Gent, Brussels and Antwerp. The shipment to Leiden contained the first specimens of the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) to be sent to Europe. In 1825 the East Indian Company provided him with two assistants : apothecary and mineralogist Heinrich Burger (his later successor) and the painter Carl Hubert de Villeneuve. Each would prove to be useful to von Siebold's efforts that ranged from ethnographical to botanical to horticultural, when attempting to document the exotic Eastern Japanese experience. Reportedly, von Siebold was not the easiest man to deal with; as he continuously conflicted with his Dutch superiors, who held against him his superior attitude. This thread of conflict resulted in his recall in July 1827 back to Batavia. But the ship, the Cornelis Houtman, sent to carry von Siebold back to Batavia, was thrown ashore by a typhoon in Nagasaki bay. The same storm badly damaged Dejima and destroyed von Siebold's botanical garden. Repaired, the Cornelis Houtman set afloat. It left for Batavia with 89 crates of von Siebold's salvaged botanical collection, but von Siebold, however, remained behind in Dejima. In 1828 von Siebold made the court journey to Edo. During this long trip he collected many plants and animals. But he also obtained from the court astronomer Takahashi Kageyasu several detailed maps of Japan and Korea (written by Ino Tadataka), an act strictly forbidden by the Japanese government. When the Japanese discovered, by accident, that von Siebold had mapped northern parts of Japan, the government accused him of high treason and of being a spy for Russia. The Japanese ordered von Siebold into house arrest and expelled him from Japan on October 22, 1829. Satisfied that his Japanese collaborators would continue his work, he journeyed back on the frigate Java to his former residence, Batavia, in possession of his enormous collection of thousands of animals and plants, his books and ... his maps. The botanical garden of Buitenzorg would soon house von Siebold's surviving, living flora collection of 2,000 plants. He arrived in the Netherlands on July 7, 1830. His stay in Japan and Batavia had lasted for a period of eight years. Return to Europe....................................

Von Siebold arrived just at a time when, in 1830, political troubles erupted in Brussels, leading soon to the Belgian independence. Hastly he salvaged his ethnographic collections in Antwerp and his herbaria specimens in Brussels and brought them over to Leiden. Unfortunately, he left behind his botanical collections of living plants that were sent to the University of Gent. The consequent expansion of this collection of rare and exotic plants led to the horticultural fame of Gent. Nevertheless, the University of Gent presented him in 1841, in gratitude, specimens of every plant from his original collection. Von Siebold settled in Leiden, taking with him the major part of his collection. The "von Siebold collection," containing many species type specimens, was the earliest botanical collection from Japan. Even today, it still remains a subject of ongoing research, a testimony to the depth of work undertaken by von Siebold. It contained about 12,000 specimens, from which he could describe only about 2,300 species. The whole collection was purchased for a handsome amount by the Dutch government. As well, von Siebold was granted a generous annual allowance by the Dutch King Willem I. In 1842 the King even raised von Siebold to the peerage as an esquire. Title page of Flora JaponicaThe "von Siebold collection" opened to the public in 1831. He founded a museum in his home in 1837. His successor in Japan, the aforementioned Heinrich Burger, sent him three more shipments of specimens. This flora collection formed the basis of the Japanese collections of the National Herbarium in Leiden and the Museum Naturalis. This museum later grew into the well-known and respected National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. During his stay in Leiden, he authored Nippon in 1832, the first tome of a richly illustrated ethnographical and geographical work on Japan. It also contained a report of his journey to the Shogunate Court at Edo. Given the scale of von Siebold's other publications, he proved to be quite prodigious; as six more tomes would appear until 1882. More over, the Bibliotheca Japonica appeared between 1833 and 1841. This work was co-authored by Joseph Hoffmann and Kuo Cheng-Chang, a Javanese from Chinese extraction, who had journeyed along with von Siebold from Batavia. It contained a survey of Japanese literature and, in addition, a Chinese, Japanese and Korean dictionary.

The zoologists Coenraad Temminck (1777-1858), Hermann Schlegel (1804-1884) and Wilhem de Haan (1801-1855) "scientifically" described and documented von Siebold's collection of Japanese animals. The result led to the Fauna Japonica, a series of monographs published between 1833 and 1850, making the Japanese fauna the best-described non-European fauna - a remarkable feat for von Siebold. Additionally von Siebold produced his Flora Japonica in collaboration with the German botanist Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini (1797-1848). It first appeared in 1835. The completed version, however, did not appear until after his death, finished in 1870 by F.A.W. Miquel (1811-1871), director of the Rijksherbarium in Leiden. This work established von Siebold's scientific fame, not only--and already--in Japan, but in Europe as well. From the Hortus Botanicus Leiden--the botanical gardens of Leiden--many of Siebold's plants started their conquest of Europe and from there to other countries. Hosta and hortensia, Azalea, and the Japanese butterbur and the coltsfoot as well as the Japanese larch were the conquest that, then, begun to inhabit gardens across the "world," which likely consisted of the Colonial Trans-Atlantic, where trade flourished both in the North and the South, the East and the West of the two opposing hemispheres--the "Old World" and "New World." Though he is well known in Japan ('Shiboruto-san'), mentioned in all schoolbooks, von Siebold is almost unknown to the Dutch or Germans, except among gardeners who admire many plants with the entitlement of the sieboldii and sieboldiana. The Hortus botanicus in Leiden has recently laid out the "von Siebold memorial garden", a Japanese garden with plants sent by von Siebold. Japanese visitors come and visit this garden, to pay their respect for him.




(12) 아주 희귀한 기독교 자료.Every-Day Life in KOREA .1898년 미국초판.

구하기 힘든 기독교 자료임.Hardcover, 8 vo.231 pages with a map. Illsutrated with black and white photographs. A collection of Studies and Stories arranged by Rev. Daniel L. Gifford . Very rare source on the general overview of protestant mission in Korea in the second half of the 19th century.





(13) 아주 희귀한 기독교자료.壽福이와 仁順이..1920년 초판


국내 처음 공개되는 희귀 기독교 자료로 생각됨.hard cover, 8 vo. cloth .59 pages. First and only edition. Illustrated with 8 B/W photographs. The story of the PAK family of Corea. Very rare source on Protestant Mission in Korea.

2005년 11얼 10일 현재 인터넷으로 연결되는 전 세계 고서점 유일본. 초판


(14) 1902년 발행. 아주 희귀한 기독교 자료.

Twelve Little Pilgrims Who Stayed at Home.

Hard cover. 8 vo.271 pages. Illustrated with black and white photographs. Very Rare Sources on Protesntant Mission in the Asian countries (China/Japan/India /Korea) Korea section: from page 135 to page 151.........

2005년 10월 28일 현재 인터넷으로 연결되는 전 세계 고서점 유일본. 초판




(15) 아주 희귀한 英國海軍의 거문도 점령보고일지

(1885년 5월-1887년 1월까지:1887년 영국정부가 국회에 제출한 자료) 1887년 영국정부발행.Correspondence respecting the Temporary Occupation of Port HAMILTON by Her Majesty's Government/presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty in 1887.

영국해군이 거문도에 영국 국기를 꽂은 날부터 거문도에서 철수하는 날까지 본국에 보고한 모든 통신내용이 날자 별로 기록되어 있으며 당시 조선정부와의 관계 등을 연구 할 수 있는 희귀 자료임.A 4紙 1.5배정도 되는 크기의 용지 41쪽에 인쇄되어 있으며 장정은 실로 꿰맨 원본 그대로의 상태임.

41pp. Folio. Paper wrappers British Parliamentary Paper. Corea No 1 (1887). C4991. Account of the British occupation of Port Hamilton which lasted from May 1885 to Jan 1887. Very rare source on the early relations between Korea and United Kingdom. 2005년 10월 28일 현재 인터넷으로 연결되는 전 세계 고서점 유일본.




(16) 조선요리 아주 희귀한 1933년 미국초판 동양요리법.

東洋料理法 (중국/한국/일본/필리핀) Oriental Culinary Art

저자는 한국인으로 보이며 한국요리를 다룬 서양 자료로서는 상당히 오래된 자료로 구하기 극히 힘든 자료임. 2005년 10월 12일 현재 인터넷으로 인결되는 전 세계 고서점 중 유일본임. Hard cover, 8 vo.115 pages. first edition. An autehtic book of recipes from China, Korea ,Japan and the Philippines. Very rare books on Oriental recipes including Korean cuisines. Bound oriental style with text (in English ) running from back to front.초판




(17. 18) 구한말 한국 어린의 동요(童謠)를 다룬 희귀자료.

The Journal of American Folk-lore ,Vol.11 no.42. July-September ,1898 (2005년 11월 11일 동아일보 제2면 참고요망) 미국에서 발행된 미국민속협회보로서 구한말 당시의 한국의 어린이들이 즐겨 불렀던 한국의 동요를 6쪽의 분량으로 다루고 있음.

<고추 먹고 맴맴.. 담배 먹고 맴맴.......별 하나 나하나 별 둘 나둘>등 한국의 동요사 연구분야에서 획기적인 자료로 평가됨.

Stiff Card Covers,8vo. 72 pages. Korea section: Rhymes of Korean Children by E.B.Landis.from page 203 to 209......................

"Ko cho mekko,maim maim, Tampai mekko,maim maim......Pyel hanna, Na hana Pyel toul ,Na toul...." very rare source on the songs of Korean children at the end of the 19th century .

2005년 10월 12일 현재 인터넷으로 인결되는 전세계 고서점 유일본임. 초판

100여년前한국 동요-자장가 채록악보 美서 발견 ‘달아달아 밝은 달아/이태백이 놀던 달아∼’로 시작되는 민요를 서양음계에 맞춰 채록한 악보(위)와 ‘고추 먹고 맴맴 담배 먹고 맴맴’의 가사를 영어로 음차해 표기하고 뜻을 해석한 영문 자료들. 1897년과 1898년에 발간된 미국 민속학보에 수록돼 있다. 사진 제공 아트뱅크 《대한제국 시기인 100여 년 전 어린이들이 부르던 동요와 민요, 자장가가 영어와 서양 악보로 채록된 자료가 대거 발견됐다. 한국 관련 해외 서지자료를 수집하는 ‘아트뱅크’(www.koreanamuseum.com)의 윤형원(尹亨源) 대표는 1897년 7월과 1898년 7월 미국 뉴욕과 보스턴에서 발간된 ‘미국 민속학보’(Journal of American Folk-Lore)에 한국의 자장가와 동요가 채록돼 있는 것을 찾아내 10일 공개했다. 》 1897년 미국 민속학보에 실린 ‘한국의 어떤 자장가’는 미국인 인류학자인 안나 톨만 스미스 씨가 같은 해 워싱턴에서 열린 여성인류학회에서 발표한 것이라고 기록돼 있다. 이 논문에는 ‘개야 개야 짖지 마라(Ka ya, Ka ya, chit cha ma ra)/금동아기 잘도 잔다(kum d-ong ag-e chol do jan da)/은동아기 잘도 잔다(Un dong ag-e Chol do jan da)’와 같이 가사를 영어로 음차(音借)해 채록한 자장가와 민요 ‘청춘가’ ‘달노래’가 실려 있다. 여기에 실린 자장가나 민요에는 현재 전해지는 것과는 다른 가사나 구음(口音)이 실려 있어 동요사 연구의 중요 자료로 평가된다. 예를 들어 ‘달아 달아 밝은 달아/이태백이 놀던 달아∼’로 시작되는 ‘달노래’(Moon Song)는 현재 전해지는 가사에는 ‘초가삼간 집을 짓고/양친부모 모셔다가/천년만년 살고지고’로 돼 있는 것과 달리 영어 해석 가사에는 ‘초가삼간에 양친부모 방과 나와 내 아내의 방(one for me and my wife)을 만들어/천년만년 살고지고’라고 표기돼 있어 눈길을 끈다.

저자인 스미스 씨는 “한국의 자장가에 나오는 ‘금자동아, 은자동아’는 아이가 고위관직에 오르기를 염원하는 것이며, ‘나라에는 충성동이, 부모에겐 효성동이’란 구절은 개인적 정체성보다는 유교적 계급질서에 충실한 가치관을 반영한 것”이라고 해설해 놓았다. 1898년 이 학보에 실린 E B 랜디스 씨의 ‘한국의 어린이 동요’란 글에는 ‘고추 먹고 맴맴, 담배 먹고 맴맴’, ‘별하나 나하나 별둘 나둘’ 등의 전래동요 가사가 영어로 음차 돼 실렸고 영어 해석이 덧붙여졌다. 여기에는 우는 아이 달래는 노래, ‘중중까까중’ 등 아이들이 스님을 희롱하는 노래, 상여꾼의 노래 등 동요와 민요 10여 곡이 실려 있다. 중앙대 노동은(魯棟銀·음악학) 교수는 “이 자료는 일제강점기에 일본 동요의 체계에 맞춰 전래 동요가 정리됐던 것보다 훨씬 앞선 것으로서 우리 어린이 노래의 원형을 알 수 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다”고 평가했다.








(19) 한국화폐정리보고서(1911년 비매품)

REPORT on Currency Adjustment in KOREA

hardcover, 8 vo. cloth.116 pages. First edition.연필로 메모한 흔적보임.


1) History of Currency System of Korea from the earliest times.

2)Monetary Condition prior to the Commencement of the Currency Adjustment

3)General Features of the Proposed Currency Adjustment

4)Adjustment of the Old Nickel Coin

5)Adhustment of Yopchon and other Old Coins

6)Bank Note

7)New Coins

8)Japanese Currency

9)Disposition of Old Coins withdrawn

10).Economic Effects of Currency Adjustment. Very rare source on Old Korean

Currency system . 초판




(20) 아주 희귀한 구한말 자료 1890년 창간호부터 1917년 까지 28년간의 자료.

<通報> :

T'oung Pao ...Archives pour servir a L'etude de L'Histoire, des Langues, de la

Geographie et de L'ethnographies de L'Asie Orientale

(Chine, Japon, Coree, Indo-Chine, Asie Centrale et Malaisie)

1890년 네덜란드의 Leiden에서 창간된 通報誌로 일 년에 한번 발행되었으며 주로 중국에 관한 학술지로서 중국인접 국가(한국, 일본, 인도차이나, 중앙아시아 및 말레이시아)등도 같이 다루고 있는 권위 있는 학술지임.

Hard cover, 8 vo. 28 consecutive volumes of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE STUDIES from 1890 to 1917(from volume 1 to volume 28) dealing with History,

Languages,Geography,Ethnography of Asia(China, Japan, Korea, Indo-China ,Central Asia and Malaysia). With numerous illustrations(some of them in colors). Approx.550 pages per volume. Extremely rare source on the study of Far East at the end of 19th century and the turn of 20th century. Mainly in French ,partly in English etc. 초판




(22) Korean Games

[1895년 초판 550부 한정판 .22장의 천연색 기산(조선말화가) 그림 포함]

앞표지는 태극기로 장식됨. 저자 친필 싸인 본.

Hard cover, cloth sm 4to.(10"x8").xxxvi] + 177p., Index to Korean Names, Index to Chinese Names, Index to Japanese Names, General Index .Korean Games with Notes on Corresponding games in China and Japan, 1st edition, 1st printing, limited to 550 copies, this being #119 of 550 and signed by the author, "Steward Culin". 22 vellum covered colored plates and numerous diagrams throughout. Internally near fine with only fold marks on some vellum cover sheets. Cover is beveled boards with orginal white cloth and bright Korean flag symbol in red and blue, spine lettered with red title and blue author's last name. An amazing book that documents and illustrates 135 games from pre-1900 Korea, China and Japan. A scarce title and a very informative book written and composed by Stewart Culin,

director of the Museum of Archaeology and Palaeontology, Univ. of Pennsylvania. Very rare source on Korean Studies.


Biography STEWART CULIN (1858-1929) excerpted from multiple on line sources. Born in Philadelphia and raised in Pennsylvania, in 1892 Culin was appointed Director of the University of Pennsylvania's Museum of Archaeology and Paleontology. In 1903 he became curator of Ethnology at the Institute of Arts and Sciences of the Brooklyn Museum in New York City. At various times he served as a consultant to the United States Bureau of American Ethnology; was on the Editorial Board of the American Anthropologist, and was a contributing member of the American Folklore Society. He had a profound interest in the occult and the mysterious, as evidenced by his articles on the subjects of voodoo, Chinese secret societies, and sorcery. Culin was a "diffusionist", and through his studies he attempted to illustrate how and why similar games appear in different cultures. Culin's first published report on games in 1889 concerned Chinese games with dice. During 1891 he worked on an exhibit of games of the world for the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and published two papers on games - one about street games of city boys - and the second about Chinese gambling games. A 1893 report on Chinese games with dice and dominoes was published by the United States National Museum. Also in 1893 Culin reported on the Columbian Exposition exhibit of games. Perhaps inspired by his work at the Exposition, in 1894 he prepared a paper on Mancala games from Africa, which was published later that year by the U.S. National Museum. Culin published over 65 papers, articles, and books on a variety of subjects, ranging from the practice of Chinese medicine in the United States, to the evolution of fashion as found in works of fine art.






(23) 일청전쟁화집 제3권 (한국 성환전투) 1894년 동경발행.

The Battles between Japan and China in 1894 . An Artistic Production of Japanese Colored Paintings. Volume 3(Shekwan=Sung Hwan)

컬러로 된 成歡전투관련 그림 12장면(16쪽)과 이를 설명하는 18쪽(일본어) ,2쪽(영어)로 되어있는 한국에서 벌어진 淸日戰爭관련 희귀자료임.

paperback. Japanese binding style.8 vo.12 colored illustrations plus 18 pages of explanations in Japanese on illustrations and 2 pages of explanations on illustrations in English. Extremely rare material on Korea. 초판.




(24) Chilgoopie The Glad (ca.1905)

Hardcover, cloth 8 vo.144 pages. ca.1905 A nicely written primary rare source describing author's Christian efforts for Children of Korea at the begining of 20th century in Korea. Illustrated with 7 B/W photographs. 표시언어 English. 초판.




(25) 舊韓末 정치상황을 자세히 보도한 英文版 日本新聞 6개월분 (1895년 1월 - 6월말).

THE JAPAN WEEKLY MAIL (A Review of Japanese Commerce,Politics,Literature,and Art) January to June 1895.

Weekly Newspapers covering from the first day of January to the end of June ,

1895.Three-Quarter Leather. Folio - over 12" - 15" tall. Book is bound in 3/4 leather and brown cloth with gilt lettering and bands to the spine. It contains 736 clean pages, It is full of news of the day ( politics, war etc. ) chess problems Yokohama Chess Club, Lists of Mail Steamers, Latest Shipping, Departures and Arrivals by name of passenger (showing famous names in there), latest commercial imports and exports etc.............

Bearing various articles(approx. 35 articles ) related to the Political situtation, News of the Court, News related to the Father of the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Korea ,Reforms, Assassinations, Tong Hak Farmer's revolution, Foreign Loans of the Kingdom of Korea etc. Extremely rare source on the Kingom of Old Korea in the end of the 19th century.

구한말 서울에 주재했던 일본유수의 신문의 특파원들이 전하는 高宗皇帝, 大院君, 明成皇后, 고위정치인 암살사건, 宮中의 動情, 舊韓末의 財政,일본에서 출국하는 국내외 고위인사, 일본으로 입국하는 국내외 고위인사의 출국일 입국일, 출항하는 기선과 시간, 입항하는 기선과 시간 등등이 상세하게 보도되고 있슴. 표시언어 English. 초판.



(26) 1895년 발행된 아주 희귀한 조선 카톨릭 자료.

LA COREE Martyrs et Missionnaires

soft cover,8 vo. first edition.316 pages. Numerous illustrations. General overview of the political situation of Korea and catholic church and catholic peoples headed in Korea in 19th century. Rare source on catholic church in old Korea. 표시언어 French. 초판






(27) Treaties and Conventions with or concerning CHINA AND KOREA,(조약, 협정관여)

1894-1904, together with various state papers and cocuments affecting foreign interests./1904년초판.

hard cover, large 8vo. leather covers.555 pages. First and only edition. Rare source on old Korea. Includes 5 folding maps.

표시언어 English





(28) 한글자모연구서

Mitteilungen de Deutchen ZGesellschaft fur Natur-und Volkekunde Ostasiens Band 21,Teil C./1928 Tokyo(한글자모연구서)

paperback,8vo. 20 pages. A study of Korean Alphabet .very rare source on Korean Alphabet

저자 P.Andreas Eckardt

출판사 Im Buchhandel zu bezeihen durch den Verlag"Asia Major".Leipzig




(29) 조선 캐도릭 순교자료

Fleurs des Martyrs au XIXe Siecle, Deuxieme Serie: COREE et Madure

1868발행 초판 (조선 캐도릭 순교자료)

hard cover, 8 vo.230 pages. Primary source on Catholic missions from France in Korea in 19th century. extremely rare source .




(30) 한국에 계몽

A Modern Pioneer in Korea(The Life Story of Henry G. Appenzeller)1912년 초판

hard cover, cloth, 8vo. illustrated from b/w photographs.298 pages. first edition. Biography of one of the first American Protestant missionaries in Korea,1885 forward (Annonation is based on "KOREA" Library of Congress,1950).rare source on Korea




(31) 동양의 아침


hard cover, 267 pages. cloth. exceedingly rare source on the situation in the Far East in the second half of 19th century and early years of 20th century. Chapters.........

The New Egypt Statecraft In Persia The Land Of The White Elephant Siamese Aspirations The Changed Hong Kong The Departing Glory Of Shanghai The Gulf Between West and East Japan's Treaty Obligations Britain's Stake In Korea Japan's Breach Of Faith The Resentment Of The Koreans The Korean Emperor's Repudiation Marquis Ito British Disabilities In Korea Outlander Grievances The Inscrutable Chinese The Transport Problem Sir Robert Hart Control The Chinese Customs Yuan Shi Kai China's Military Strength Count Witte The Spirit Of Nationalization Index

2004년 4월5일현재 인터넷으로 연결되는 전 세계 고서점 7000여곳중 유일본임.





(32) 청일전쟁화보집-牙山

The Battles between Japan and China. An Artistic Production of Japanese Colored Paintings.(청일전쟁화보집:牙山편)/1894

paperback. Japanese binding style.8 vo.

1.The seizure of the Soko(2nd)

2.The Japanese troops cross over the Dojakushin.

3.The Japanese field camp at the vicinity of Sajo.

4.The Japanese troops pass over the branch of the Anjo in the battle at Seikwan 5.A trumpeter, receiving a bullet in his breast, blew the trumpet until his death. 6.The Japanese right wing attack the Chinese field camp across a corn-field.

7.The Japanese left wing fire off cannon against the Chinese camp.

8.The Japanse troops burst in the Chinese camp, and their generals run away flusteredlys.

9.A temporary field hospital at Anjo.

10.The Japanse troops often met with thunder-storms, while marching on into Gazan. 11.The Japanese soldiers seized the ammunitions and weapons left by the Chinese at Gazan.

12,Transporting the ammunitions, weapons, and grains, seized at Gazan into Jinsen by a steamer.

13. The triumphal retreat into Ryozan, on 5th Aug. The Triumphal festival, on 9th Aug.

14.The Triumphal festival ,on 9th Aug. 14 colored illustrations plus 4 pages of explanations in Japanese on illustrations. a colored map attached. Extremely rare material on Korea.




(33) 청일전쟁화보집-京城

The Battles between Japan and China. An Artistic Productuons of Japanese Colored Paintings by Kwason Suzuki(청일전쟁화보집:京城편)/1895

paperback. Japanese style bining.8 vo.

1.The Night View of Fusan

2.The Japanese troops landing at Chemulpo

3.The King's Father who became the Prime Minister of Corea

4.The Insurrection between Japanese and Corean Soldiers at Seoul Castle on the 23rd July,1894. The King's Father accompanied by Minister Otori entered the castle after defeat of Corean soldiers headed by Min Young Chun,a China Party.

5.The Corean Soldiers could fire no Guns before the Japanese overwhelmed them 7.The Japanese Army entered into the Palace.

8.The Japanese army guarding the King's a this palace. The centre is the main gate to the Palace-The Houses at its both sides are the government buildings.

9.The Queen in her sorrow that her family, the Chinese Party, having been driven out of their offices.

10.The Min's Family all arrested on the account of having incorporated with Chinese.

11.Corean Custumes: A lower Class ,Peasant Boy, Soldiers, Water Seller,

Merchants, Official in his full dress-An Official in his Religious Dress. An Officer in his Uniform, Dancing Girl,A School Master.A Woman going to washing clothes,Boys playing.

12.Yuen Sei Kai,the Chinese Minister to Corea-Escaping secretly out of Corea. 12 colored illustrations plus 16 pages of explanations in Japanese on the illustrations. Extremely rare materials on Korea





(34) 민비초상을 포함 50장의 삽화를 담은 희귀자료

LA COREE Independante, Russe ,ou Japonaise

(민비초상을 포함 50장의 삽화를 담은 희귀자료)/1898

soft cover,8vo.304 pages. with 50 illustrations. Rare and Valuable French study of Korea at the end of the 19th century.




(35) 1890년 조선에 온 중국사신의 개인비서의 기록

Notes on the IMPERIAL CHINESE MISSION to COREA 1890.(translation)

1890년 조선에온 중국사신의 개인비서의 기록(미공개희귀자료?)

paperback,32 pages. Record on the Visit of Chinese Mission to Korea 1890 by A Private Secretary of the Imperial Commissioners to Corea. Extremely rare materials. 출판연도:1892



(36) 청일전쟁: 한국 관련사항이 대부분임

The China-Japan War(청일전쟁: 한국 관련사항이 대부분임,1905년 ,희귀자료)

hard cover, 8 vo. cloth, 284 pages .extremly rare source.1st edition. Complied from Japanese ,Chines,and foreign sources and covering Sino-Japanese war in Korean territory and Chinese territory in 3 parts and appendices. Part 1:The History of the Corean Questions. Part 2: The Corean Campaign. Part 3:The Campaign in China Appendices. 출판연도:1905





(37) 傳說的인 책,1894-96년간 발행된 朝鮮書誌 전4권 초판, 추록포함)

Volume 1: 499 pages(1894)

Volume 2: 539 pages(1895)

Volume 3: 466 pages plus Index(152 page) (1896)

Supplement:122 pages (1901 ) 39 plates and maps. ,all paperback. First edition. 3,240 titles, closely classified under 9 main headings; with indexes of titles, persons and places. Many extracts and quotations ,critical and bibliographical notes. Extremely rare material on Korea. (Annotation is based on KOREA, Library of Congress,1950)

(책의 내용은 양호한편이나 본 책3권은 binding을 새로 해야 될 필요 있슴)





(38) 천주교박해

Le Serviteur de Dieu. Simeon-Francois Berneux. Des Missions Etrangeres de Paris Eveque de capse.Martyr en Coree(1814-1866)/1937

Paperback,181 pages . Rare work about persecution of Christians in Korea in the middle of the 19th century. With 2 plates.





(39) An Official Guide to Eastern Asia Volume 3.

NORTH-EASTERN JAPAN. 1914 first edition hard cover, 370 pages. first edition A very rare early guidebook to South-Western Japan. To be precise, there are 112 illustrations (including a beautiful color frontispiece of an ancient Japanese warrior) and 15 maps and plans. Volume 2 wasn't issued with a large folding map like Volumes 1 and 4, hence there is no rear pocket). The top edge is gilt. Difficult to find the first edition of volume 2 of this series. Condition: Overall the book is in very good original condition. The covers are clean and the spine is still nice and strong. This volume also appears to be largely unread and most maps appear to be unopened. There is a small previous owner's signature inside the front cover (the same as in volume 1) and this volume, strangely, has a library number on the spine but this is the only marking I can find. There doesn't appear to be any internal markings indicating it as a library book. Based on the book's condition, I believe this book was either never in a public library or if it was, laid tucked away in some hidden spot. This volume appears to be missing its title page (which is present in the other 3 volumes). The map of South-Western Japan is loose but present and in very good condition (no tears, marks).






An Offical Guide to Eastern Asia Vol.1 MANCHURIA and CHOSEN, 1913년 초판.

An Official Guide to Eastern Asia volume 1. MANCHURIA & CHOSEN(KOREA)


모두 4권으로 된 책 중 제 1권으로,4권의 내용은 일본본토 2권/ 만주와 한국 1권/ 중국 1권 등으로 구성되어 있슴. 여기에 소개된 제 1권인 만주/조선 편은 95장의 사진과 19장의 지도를 곁들이고 있는 정평 있는 안내서임.

hard cover, 350 pages. first edition. A very rare early guidebook to Manchuria and Chosen (Korea) published when both were under Japan's control. To be precise, there are 95 illustrations and 19 maps (including the scarce folding General Map of Eastern Asia in the rear pocket of the book). Also includes a language section containing English, Russian, Chinese and Japanese Russian vocabulary and phrases for the traveller