
The RPG-32 "Hashim"

한부울 2008. 8. 22. 00:23

RPG는 러시아어 약자로 "휴대용 대전차 유탄 발사기"라는 의미이다

RPG-32 grenade launcher in field tests: different targets, same result

The sighting range of the RPG-32 is 700 meters. The launcher belongs to a high-precision class of weapons and packs a powerful punch. It can be judged by the results against various targets.

최근 러시아는 RPG-32 신형 유탄발사기의 화력을 점검하는 자리를 가졌다. 이 무기는 거리의 길고 짧음에 관계없이 위력적이고 정교한 특징을 보여주었다.


The RPG-32 "Hashim" : Listed on The Pentagons 'Weapons Of Greatest Danger'.

On show at the Paris International weapons exhibition is the RPG-32 Grenade Launcher,"HASHIM".

The Russian made RPG is already on the Pentagons weapons to watch for list.

The weapon which is not in use yet has been designed for special forces operations as indispensable weapons.

It is capable of penetrating tank armour upto 800mm thick and has a 72mm explosive charge at the tip.


RPG 32 HASHIM( make by Russia and Jordan)

Калибр гранатомета, мм 105 max

Масса гранатомета с прицелом, кг 3

Длина комплекса (с контейнером), мм 900... 1200

Масса заряженного комплекса, кг 6...10

Прицельная дальность, м 700

Бронепробитие (после динамической защиты), мм не менее 650



                                  RPG-32  2005년에 개발된 105mm 대전차로켓 Hashim