英, 군수용 곤충로봇 개발…연말께 실제상황에 투입
[뉴시스] 2008년 05월 05일(월) 오전 10:48
[서울=뉴시스]영국 다국적 군수산업체인 'BAE 시스템스'(BAE Systems)가 전시에 사용될 수 있는 곤충 로봇을 개발, 올해 말부터 전쟁터에서 군인들의 눈과 귀 역할을 해줄 수 있을 것으로 보인다고 영국 '데일리 메일'(Daily Mail)이 4일(이하 현지시간) 보도했다.
곤충 로봇의 견본은 올해 말까지 완성될 것으로 보이며 이 로봇들은 부비트랩 등이 설치돼 있는 위험 지역을 미리 탐지할 수 있고 적의 은신처 등을 찾아낼 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있다.
BAE 시스템스 측은 군인들이 이러한 곤충 로봇을 전쟁터에 가지고 나간 후 목표 건물을 설정하고 곤충 로봇을 이 건물 안으로 보내게 되면 로봇에 탑재돼 있는 작은 카메라와 자신들의 손목에 채워진 컴퓨터와의 연결을 통해 로봇이 들어간 건물의 내부 상황을 전송받을 수 있고 건물 내부의 위험 사항 등에 관한 정보를 얻을 수 있다고 전했다.
거미와 유사한 모양의 곤충 로봇 개발은 거의 완성 단계에 이르렀으며 연구자들은 최종적으로 뱀과 같이 바닥을 기어 다니고 잠자리처럼 공중을 날 수 있는 곤충 로봇을 만드는 것이 목표라고 밝혔다.
일부 곤충 로봇에는 센서를 장착해 화학물질이나 방사능 물질 등을 감지할 수 있도록 할 것 이라고 연구팀은 전했다. BAE 시스템스의 과학자들은 곤충 로봇이 최전선에 배치되고 상용화 될 경우 더 완벽한 군사 작전을 펼 수 있을 것이라고 전망했다.
곤충 로봇 개발 프로젝트 책임자인 스티브 스카렐라는 "곤충 로봇 개발 프로젝트는 5년 동안 진행될 계획이며 이제 막 시작한 단계이지만 군인들과 함께 로봇이 전쟁터에 나갈 수 있는 것은 6개월 정도가 지나면 가능하다"며 올해 말이면 실제 곤충 로봇이 전쟁터에서 임무를 수행할 수 있을 것이라고 전했다. BAE 시스템스가 개발한 곤충 로봇은 개당 약 100파운드(약 20만원)에 달하는 것으로 알려졌다.
서유정기자 뉴시스통신사
Robobug goes to war: Troops to use electronic insects to spot enemy 'by end of the year'
By DANIEL COCHLIN - More by this author ?
Last updated at 16:32pm on 4th May 2008
Plans for a robot that can crawl like a spider are 'well developed'
It may have seemed like just another improbable scene from a Hollywood sci-fi flick ? Tom Cruise battling against an army of robotic spiders intent on hunting him down.
But the storyline from Minority Report may not be quite as far fetched as it sounds.
British defence giant BAE Systems is creating a series of tiny electronic spiders, insects and snakes that could become the eyes and ears of soldiers on the battlefield, helping to save thousands of lives.
Prototypes could be on the front line by the end of the year, scuttling into potential danger areas such as booby-trapped buildings or enemy hideouts to relay images back to troops safely positioned nearby. Soldiers will carry the robots into combat and use a small tracked vehicle to transport them closer to their targets.
Then they would swarm into the building and relay images back to the soldiers' hand-held or wrist-mounted computers, warning them of any threats inside.
BAE Systems has just signed a ?19million contract to develop the robots for the US Army. and researchers eventually hope to be able to create creatures that can slither like a snake or fly like a dragonfly.
Researchers hope they will eventually create machines that can fly like a butterfly
Plans for a creature that can crawl like a spider are said to be well developed,
While some of the creatures will be fitted with small cameras, others will be equipped with sensors that will be able to detect the presence of chemical, biological or radioactive weapons.
A computer-generated video from BAE Systems shows the tiny invaders being released by a soldier, before scouting out a suspect building, which is finally blown up by ground forces.
BAE Systems scientists from the UK and America plan an army of the electronic bugs, and have ambitions to equip every front-line soldier with them.
Programme manager Steve Scalera was inspired by the way creatures use their senses to detect danger.
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Promotional video shows a 'bug' being sent into a danger zone in a special vehicle
"What we are doing is providing an enhanced awareness for soldiers, basically an extension to their eyes and ears," he said.
"The creatures have external sensors. They can be tossed out into a building or a cave or even a pile of rubble and then send images back to the troops.
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Pictures from the bug are beamed back to the operator, allowing the target to be blown up
"The idea is to get a number of these working together ? some tiny, some maybe up to a foot in length, and all going into a building together carrying out different tasks. Eventually we hope to have animals flying and slithering.
"The five-year programme has just started but we could have them with soldiers within six months, and then continue to develop the concept as the project goes along."
Despite the high-tech gadgetry involved, BAE Systems insists once production is in full swing, each bug will cost no more than ?100 to produce.
The Ministry of Defence declined to comment.
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