
거대한 벙커 버스터의 위용’ 눈길

한부울 2009. 6. 14. 11:11

거대한 벙커 버스터의 위용’ 눈길

[팝뉴스] 2009년 06월 11일(목) 오전 10:15



미국의 항공 관련 전문 웹매체 플라이트글로벌은 9일자 기사를 통해 미공군이 보잉의 벙커버스터 GBU57A/B MOP를 구입하기도 했다고 전했다.

무게는 13.6톤이며 테스트를 거쳐 적합 판정을 받으면 2012년 6월에 B-2A 폭격기에 실려 실전 배치될 것이라고 한다. 이 거대한 정밀 유도 벙커 버스터는 강화 콘크리트를 60미터 뚫을 수 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

(사진 : 미 공군 자료)

정영 기자 팝뉴스


USAF to arm B-2A with massive bunker-buster bomb


SOURCE:Flight International



By Stephen Trimble


The US Air Force today revealed plans to acquire a small arsenal of a new 13,600kg (30,000lb) penetrator bomb to deploy on Northrop Grumman B-2As in three years.

The USAF's public notice follows several years of testing the Boeing GBU57A/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), which is designed to destroy hardened bunkers buried deeply underground.

The USAF plans to begin flight tests on the B-2A starting in June 2011 and reach operational status by June 2012, the USAF notice says. Integrating the MOP requires no changes to the B-2A's operational flight programme, avoiding a potentially costly and time-consuming recertification process.

The USAF's "best estimate" anticipates buying five test and 10 residual MOP bombs. But another five residual bombs could also be purchased, the USAF notice says.

In previous years, lawmakers had rejected the previous Administration's requests to fund a "quick reaction capability" to buy up to 20 MOPs for the B-2A fleet.

But the opposition from Congress appears to have faded, allowing the USAF to move forward with development and procurement of the 15t bunker-buster bombs.

The next-largest penetrator weapon in the USAF arsenal is currently the 2,270kg (5,000lb)-class GBU-28. The USAF also demonstrated a 9,080kg (20,000lb) massive ordnance air blast (MOAB) weapon in 2003.

The MOP is precision guided weapon, and includes lattice-type fins for aerial maneouvring.