수상 도시 LILYPAD-
Show Case: LILYPAD , A Floating Ecopolis for Ecological Refugees
[archinect] Jun 13, 2009
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It's common knowledge that the planet is warming, ice caps are melting, and water levels are rising. The international scientific community predicts that a temperature elevation of 1°C will lead to a water rise of 1 meter, resulting in massive land loss and the displacement of millions of people world wide. Vincent Callebaut, a visionary Belgian architect, is responding to this inevitability with his proposal LILYPAD, A Floating Ecopolis for Ecological Refugees.
Aerial view over Monaco
LILYPAD is touted by Callebaut as a prototypical auto-sufficient amphibious city... a tenable solution to the rising water levels. In addition to providing housing for those displaced by the transforming land/water relationships, LILYPAD also produces sustainable energy for developed regions.
Aerial views over the Maldivian Atolls
Entirely autosufficient, Lilypad takes up the four main challenges launched by the OECD in March 2008: climate, biodiversity, water and health.
LILYPAD is a true amphibian - half aquatic and half terrestrial city - able to accommodate 50,000 inhabitants and inviting the biodiversity to develop its fauna and flora around a central lagoon of soft water collecting and purifying the rain waters. This artificial lagoon is entirely immersed, ballasting the city. It enables inhabitants to live in the heart of the sub aquatic depths. The multi functional program is based on three marinas and three mountains dedicated to work, shopping and entertainment. The whole set is covered by a stratum of planted housing in suspended gardens and crossed by a network of streets and alleyways with organic outline. The goal is to create a harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, exploring new modes of cross-cultural aquatic living.
The floating structure is "branches" of the Ecopolis inspired of the highly ribbed leave of the giant lilypad of the Amazonia Victoria Regia
The giant lilypad of the Amazonia Victoria Regia (left: top surface; right: bottom of lilypad)
The floating structure of the Ecopolis is directly inspired of the highly ribbed leave of the great lilypad of Amazonia Victoria Regia. The double skin is made of polyester fibers covered by a layer of titanium dioxide (TiO2) like an anatase which by reacting to the ultraviolet rays enable to absorb the atmospheric pollution by photocatalytic effect.
The three mountains are ecological niches, aquaculture fields and biologic corridors
The main deck with the three marinas, the submarine performing arts center and the gardens of phytopurification.
LILYPAD reaches a positive energetic balance with zero carbon emission by the integration of all the renewable energies (solar, thermal and photovoltaic energies, wind energy, hydraulic, tidal power station, osmotic energies, phytopurification, biomass), producing more energy than it consumes.
To adapt to the changing ocean flows resulting from the hydro climatic factors, LILYPAD makes direct reference to Jules Verne's literature, the alternative possibility of a multicultural floating Ecopolis whose metabolism would be in perfect symbiosis with the cycles of nature.
Vincent Callebaut
In 2000, Vincent Callebaut, 23 years old, graduated with the Great Architecture Prize René Serrure awarding the best diploma project at the Institute Victor Horta in Brussels for its Parisian project Metamuseum of Arts and Civilisations Quay Branly.
Then, thanks to the bursary Leonardo da Vinci attributed by the European Community, he decided to live in Paris to extend its critical thinking and its spatial inventiveness during two years of internship in agencies that fascinate him (Odile Decq Benoit Cornette Architectes Urbanistes, Massimiliano Fuksas).
In 2001, he competed in box and won the Grand Architecture Prize Napoléon Godecharle of the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts of Brussels awarding the best hope of the Belgian architecture with its ecological project Elasticity, an aquatic city of 50 000 inhabitants entirely autonomous. The jury appreciated at the same time his dynamism, his expression force and the coherence of his concept, and recognised a personality endowed with a remarkable aptitude giving well-founded expectations of great success and able thus to contribute to the fact that reputation of Belgium becomes a truth.
In 2005, he was the finalist of the RE-New Architecture Pleasures awarding the 12 best figures of the Architecture in the French Community of Belgium. During the same year, the Edition Company Damdi of Seoul dedicated him at the age of 28 its first architecture monograph detailing the story of its awarded and exhibited projects during worldwide spontaneous proposals and international competitions.
Since then, in the framework of his agency and great collaborations (Jakob+MacFarlane, Claude Vasconi, Jacques Rougerie), he militates continuously for the long lasting development of the new Ecopolis via parasitical strategies for an investigation architecture mixing biology to information and communication technologies
From New York to Hong Kong crossing Brussels and Paris, Vincent Callebaut proposes with determination and conviction prospective and ecological projects by insufflating locally dialogs and meetings that try to raise our questionings on the society in which we live as citizen of a global world!
지구 온난화 기후 난민을 위한 대책..수상 도시 LILYPAD
2008/06/17 오 전 9:42 | Design 이슈&아이템
현생 인류는 스스로의 과오 덕분에 여러가지 위협에 노출되어 살아가고 있다.
화려한 문명에 취해 애써 지구가 보내오는 위험 신호를 무시하고 있지만 빙하는 녹아내리고 전세계는 자연 재해와 에너지난 등의 복합적인 문제에 신음하고 있는게 사실인데...
지금처럼 지구 온난화가 가속화된다면 우리가 발을 딛고 있는 땅의 상당 부분은 바닷물 속에 가라앉게 될 것이며 우리의 삶은 지금과는 전혀 다른 모습을 하고 있을지도 모른다.
육지를 잃은 인류는 어떻게 살아가야 할까?
그간 친환경적인 시선으로 독특한 디자인을 선보여온 Vincent Callebaut가 제시한 독특한 해법은... 기후 난민들을 바다 위에 떠 있는 수상도시 LILYPAD로 이끄는 것이다. 물위에 떠서 살아가는 수생 식물에서 모티브를 얻었다는 이 수상 도시는 재생 가능 에너지와 친환경 요소들을 모아 이룩한 신천지가 될 것이라고 하는데...
한참이나 바닷물이 늘어났을 미래의 세계를 누비는 LILYPAD의 조감도는 매력적이지만...
우리 인류가 저런 거대한 인공 도시를 어렵지 않게 건설할 수 있을지 아니 그 이전에 영화 워터 월드의 그것처럼 우리 모두가 저렇게 바다로 내몰리는 것은 아닌지 왠지 그리 좋게만 보이지는 않았다.
참고로 Vicent Callebaut Architectures의 웹사이트에는 이 외에도 다양한 친환경 건축물의 디자인이 소개되고 있으니 관심이 있다면 한번쯤 둘러보시길
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