지하 60m 벙커 파괴할 수 있는 폭탄 개발
[조선일보] 2007년 12월 31일(월) 오전 01:5
지하 60m(20층 깊이)를 관통해 견고한 지하벙커 등을 파괴할 수 있는 초강력 폭탄이 미국에서 개발됐다.
주한미군과 미 공군 홈페이지 등에 따르면 미 공군은 최근 미주리주 화이트맨 공군기지에서 B-2 스텔스 폭격기에 새로 개발된 지하관통 초강력 폭탄을 장착하는 훈련을 했다.
MOP(Massive Ordnance Penetrator)라 불리는 이 폭탄은 길이 6m, 무게 13.6?에 달하며, 탄두(彈頭)에 실리는 폭발물의 무게만 2.7t에 이른다.
폭격기에서 투하된 뒤 수직으로 내리꽂혀 콘크리트의 경우 60m까지 관통한다. 핵무기를 제외하고 이 정도 깊이까지 파괴할 수 있는 재래식 무기는 없었다.
지금까지는 지하 30m까지 관통할 수 있는 GBU-28 ‘벙커버스터’가 가장 강력한 재래식 지하관통 무기였다.
[유용원 군사전문기자 ] 조선일보
Massive Ordnance Penetrator
The Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) project is a proposal by the US Air Force to develop a massive, precision-guided, 30,000 lb (13,600 kg) 'bunker buster' bomb. This is substantially larger than the deepest penetrating bunker buster presently available, the 5000 lb (2,270 kg) GBU-28.
In 2002, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin were working on the development of a 30,000 lb earth penetrating weapon, said to be known as "Big BLU", although funding and technical difficulties resulted in the development work being abandoned. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, analysis of sites which had been targeted with bunker buster bombs revealed that the then currently available penetrating weapons were incapable of completely destroying some deep underground structures. This reignited interest in the development of a super-large bunker buster, and the MOP project was initiated.
The US Air Force has no specific military requirement for an ultra-large bomb, but it does have a concept for a collection of massively sized penetrator and blast weapons, the so-called 'Big BLU' collection, which includes the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Burst) bomb. Development of the MOP is now underway at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Design and testing work is also being performed by Boeing. It is intended that the bomb will be deployed on B-2 or B-1 bombers, and will be guided by the use of GPS.
American stealth bombers will soon be equipped to drop the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP)
Northrop Grumman have announced the $2.5 million stealth-bomber refit contract on September 19th, 2007. An undisclosed number of the US Air Force's 22 B-2's will each be able to carry two 15 metric ton MOPs.
Length: 20 ft (6 m) [3]
Weight: 30,000 lb (13.6 metric tons)
Warhead: 6,000 lb (2.7 metric tonss) high explosive
200 feet (60 m) of 5,000 psi (35 MPa) reinforced concrete
26 ft (8 m) of 10,000 psi (69 MPa) reinforced concrete
130 feet (40 m) of moderately hard rock
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